social media trends 2019

3 Social Media Trends that will help you dominate in 2019!

It can be tough to keep pace with the ever-changing landscape that is social media marketing. Especially coming off the wild ride that was 2018. The scandalous year for Zuckerberg and fallout from Facebook’s privacy debacle has changed the game for digital marketers and businesses relying on social advertising to promote their product and services.

We broke down the most significant social media marketing changes to be aware of in 2019 and how they affect you. We also cover how to adapt your social media marketing plan for these shifts so you can dominate in 2019!

Here’s what you need to know to keep reaching your customers and converting in the ever-changing social media market place:

1) Algorithm changes –

Since Facebook still dominates social media ad spend, and its’ share of ad spend is expected to grow in 2019, you can’t address your social campaign without stopping here first.

In the fallout from Facebook’s privacy scandal, most everyday users have lost trust in the platform. And Facebook is paying attention because if the end users start to fall off the platform, so will the advertisers. This has forced Facebook to put the customer experience first and work toward making the platform feel friendly and “social” again.

What does this mean for you, the advertiser?

Your content should feel much more personal and authentic to your audience. It should look like it’s meant to be there, in the middle of their news feed, along with pictures of their friend’s kids and funny memes from their favorite blogger. Your traditional direct response ad from 2016 is not going to work in 2019. If users aren’t engaging with your post (commenting, reacting, sharing, etc.) then your ad will not be favored over more engaging content.

One way to monitor how your ads are performing against Facebook’s algorithm changes is your relevance score. Your relevance score is calculated by taking shares, reactions, and comments into account and weighing negative reactions (e.g. when someone hides your post or marks it as spam). The higher your score (out of 10) the more Facebook will optimize your ad, the wider your reach, and the cheaper your spend.


2) The rise of authentic content

2019 is marking a shift in the types of content that users are consuming and truly engaging with.

We’ve seen the rise of Instagram stories to over 400 million daily active users which has introduced a new medium to the marketplace: raw storytelling. And people are paying attention! The average completion rate for a brands Instagram story is 72%!

Prior to this content shift, ads really stood out. They were shiny clean professional images with banners and short punchy copy. But today’s social audience is educated, and they see your ad from a mile away and just glaze right over it. 

The successful ads of 2019 will be personal and conversational. They’ll invite people to comment and share. They’ll tell a story and/ or provide value that your audience wants to share. Imagine sharing an ad?!

This is where it gets really fun because there are so many ways brands can put this into practice.

One way to harness this trend is to source consumers for real stories to share. For example, let’s say you’re a local spa or wellness retailer looking to attract young professionals that are new to skin care treatments (remember: always define your target audience first!). Talk to your current consumers within this demographic about their skin care journey, how they came to find your spa, and what it has done for their life. Pick out the most moving story and tell this story on social media with raw imagery and authentic quotes. This is sure to resonate with your target audience in a much more impactful way than a coupon for your services.

On that note, coupons are dead last in the list of most engaging types of posts on Facebook. Not surprisingly, video content is first and gets 59% more engagement than any other type of content.

Using video, another fun content example would be a tutorial for an at home skin routine (sticking with our spa example from above). This is something that could actually provide value to your audience, without asking anything in return. This is the type of content a user would share and engage with – it’s a reason to keep following your brand. Even better, you’re simultaneously creating retargeting audiences to come back to once they’re warmed up and familiar with your brand.


3) On-Brand Social Influencers –

We’ve seen the explosion of influencer marketing over the past few years and no shortage of Instagram stars to go around. But with a new Twitter star trying to sell you something at every turn, the message can often come off as contrived. Brands are now trending toward micro-influencers that have an authentic connection with their product and with their followers.

Social Influencers, like most successful brands, have grown their following by being genuine and communicating their story which a lot of people relate to.

This authenticity is something that brands can tap into to spread their message to a new audience.

Courtney Osgood, owner of CKO PR , an influencer herself, looks for influencers that have a real connection to her client’s brand. Osgood says that “the use of social influencers as part of brand’s marketing strategy is far from over. In fact, I expect it to grow in 2019, with an increased premium on authenticity. You may have seen a campaign in the past that spanned across the board with hundreds of influencers armed with similar messaging and cookie-cutter content – – not the case anymore. Instead, brands are being more selective about the type of influencers they partner with to ensure that it’s also on-brand for them.”


What’s next?

The common thread in these platform shifts and algorithm changes is being human about how you talk to people. If that intimidates you, remember that you have a story to tell and an audience that wants to hear it. These platforms just make it easier to broadcast that message to a wide audience.

2019 has brought its fair share of changes but for consumer brands and services it couldn’t be a more exciting time to share your story and grow your audience.




Buyer's Journey

The Buyer’s Journey and Why it’s so Important!

What is the buyer’s journey?

The buyer’s journey is something that every business should understand as it is the framework for an effective marketing strategy. It is the path that buyers travel as they discover and become aware of your brand, consider and evaluate your services and solutions and ultimately making their decision to purchase.

A typical framework of the buyer’s journey consists of three stages: awareness, consideration, and decision. By mapping out the buyer’s journey, marketers are able to better target potential buyers by reaching them at every stage of the journey.

The journey consists of a three-step process:


Awareness Stage: The buyer realizes they have a problem.


Consideration Stage: The buyer defines their problem and researches options to solve it.


Decision Stage: The buyer chooses a solution.


The graphic below illustrates a sample buyer’s journey for the simple purchasing decision of aesthetic services from a medical spa.


Buyer's Journey Stages

Awareness – TOFU

At the awareness stage or what is also called the Top of the Funnel (TOFU), a potential buyer begins to realize a want or need for a product and/or service and is the fundamental first step in a buyer’s journey. The buyer enters the funnel at this stage and is considered an in-market lead in-market lead. This is someone who is actively searching on a particular subject or need and are most likely entering search terms in Google to clearly understand more about what it is they are looking for. A holistic SEO strategy is very important at this stage and should be an active part of your inbound marketing strategy. To ensure your content is relevant to the needs and desires of your buyer you should take the time to develop one or multiple ideal buyer personas.

Potential buyers at this stage are seeking to educate themselves so they can answer questions they have regarding certain pain points they are experiencing. It’s during this stage a brand or business has the opportunity to build a relationship and start cultivating trust with a potential buyer. It’s important to refrain from any kind of hard selling at this point as the goal is to garner the attention of the buyer and begin educating them on their particular problem.

Some relevant content that can be provided at this stage of the buyer’s journey are:

  • Educational Blog Posts
  • Responding to questions on Q&A sites
  • Infographics
  • Industry research/analyst reports
  • E-guides and E-books

Consideration – MOFU

After a buyer has defined their problem they begin to move into what’s called the consideration stage or Middle of the Funnel (MOFU). This stage is where the buyer begins to evaluate different methods that are available to them and switch from a high-level understanding of their problem to a more in-depth understanding allowing them to discover the best available solutions.

It’s during this stage that a buyer will likely spend most of their time and are given a higher lead score in their in-market customer profile. They will begin to narrow down the possible solutions by performing multiple searches on google and other various search platforms.

To help with qualifying the potential buyer further into the decision stage you can provide additional content such as:

  • Expert guides/checklists
  • Live and OnDemand Videos
  • Product Videos
  • Product comparison guides
  • Additional Educational Blog Posts


Decision – BOFU

Finally reaching the Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU) or decision stage of the buyer’s journey, a prospect has thoroughly researched their problem and the solutions around it and are now ready to select a company or solution provider to remedy their problem. This is where an effective value proposition should be presented and reinforced by a company. Your level of expertise and leadership within the industry are all key factors in the prospect selecting you as their final decision.

If a company has been successfully meeting the potential buyer at each stage of the buyer’s journey, framing the conversation, setting expectations and garnering a series of micro yeses, they will be well positioned to make a final offer to help close the gap from prospect to buyer.

Important content at this stage of the buyer’s journey consists of:

  • Case Studies, or Testimonials
  • Live demonstrations or consultations
  • Exclusive Product Promotions/Offers
  • Social Media Engagement


Why is it so important?

“Sixty-seven percent (67%) of the buyer’s ‘decision’ is complete before a buyer even reaches out to sales.” (SiriusDecisions)

Now that you have a better understanding of what the buyer’s journey is, you may also be asking why is all of this so important. If you take the time to ask yourself the question, where do all your sales start? The answer you will most likely come up with is online. The majority of buyer’s today are finding the information they need to make their purchase decision all on their own through search engines and social media.

So how do you help them with their purchase decision? By developing relationships and cultivating trust online! And how do you develop relationships and trust online? The answer is with an inbound marketing strategy that has mapped out their buyer’s journey and has developed a content strategy to meet prospects where they are at each stage of that journey. You simply meet them where they are finding the information and answers to their problems.

By creating content for each stage, you essentially can create mini-conversations that help you frame the problem and solution for the prospect. By doing this you are able to act as their guide throughout their journey positioning your company, services or products as the ideal solution to their problem. Remember we all like to buy from people and companies, we know, like and trust!

Here’s to your success!




medical spa marketing


Medical spa marketing is essential to increase revenue, build and grow a strong clientele base. This applies especially to the Medical spa industry. The industry is booming with the $3.97 billion market forecasted to increase to $6 Billion annually by 2022. Medical spas offer a variety of services, which all need effective digital marketing strategies.

Marketing a Medical spa, in the beginning, can be time-consuming and difficult, but the opportunity for growth is well worth the effort. Making your business stand out in this competitive industry means implementing top-quality marketing strategies a must. Here are 10 Digital Marketing tips for Medical Spas that can help you attract potential clients and attain success.

  1. Local SEO

    The internet has simplified how people search for services. Whether they’re new to the world of spa treatments or searching for another spa, these clients turn to the internet. So, make sure your spa appears in the first 3 listings for Medical Spas. You can Claim your local listings using Yahoo Local Works, Bing Places, and Google Places to claim your listing. Create a profile and personalize it by adding photos and updates. If you do this, local clients will be able to find your business with greater ease. Another effective way to improve local SEO is by creating a blog that centers around your niche, services, and specific community. Having a proper content strategy for your blog will definitely help with maintaining a strong Local SEO.

  2. Implement A Social Media Strategy

    Social media is one of the most effective ways to advertise your medical spa for free. Social media can not only help boost your brand presence but also manage your reputation, customer service, educate and attract new customers. With social media, you can display before and after photos of your services.
    Informing potential clients through social media can educate them about your Medical Spa services and address any questions they might have. It also helps to keep your med spa top of mind along while also providing a platform for existing customers to share and promote their positive experiences.

  3. Email Marketing

    Another great way to stay top of mind and nurture your potential customers is through email marketing. By offering valuable content and special offers you can quickly build your list and automate your email sequences. You can even go a step further by segmenting your list by interest and behavior further customizing the content for them. The more relevant the content the easier it will be to keep potential customers engaged and steadily moving along the buyer’s journey. Be sure to include, short, educational videos about health and wellness. It gives potential customers real value which helps to develop trust. Remember we tend to purchase services from businesses we know, like and trust!

  4. Use Video Marketing

    In an evolving, visually oriented industry, video marketing is key. For a medical spa, videos are particularly effective. Potential customers will see someone getting a rejuvenating massage, before and after video testimonials and be inspired to inquire more seriously into your services.  It’s also a great way for potential customers to get a quick but comprehensive explanation of your services. In actuality, adding videos to your marketing emails can increase click-through rates by 200 to 300 percent. If you add videos to the landing page of your website, it can increase conversion rates by 80 percent.

  5. Online Directories

    It’s 2019! Potential clients may find it difficult to use massive phone books. Instead, they turn to online directories like Yelp, and Google My Business to find local spas in their area. 88% of customers say they go through online reviews before using before making an appointment. So, if you haven’t been tracking your online reviews or if your Medical Spa isn’t listed, do so now!

  6. Offer Online Booking

    Studies show that 35% of customers schedule appointments during unofficial hours while 25% of younger generation make online appointments. Square Appointments is a favorited option that allows clients to book appointments online. Also, it works with a cloud-based calendar, which helps alleviate scheduling conflicts. Square Appointments are affordable for teams and free for individuals.

  7. Use CRM to retarget former clients

    A customer relationship manager (CRM), is a centralized place for storing the data of customers and prospects entire interaction history with your companies online presence. This can include your website, email, social profiles, ads and more. It helps to improve communication between your prospects and your company and enables the efficient tracking and management of lead nurturing. With an effective lead nurturing strategy you can take a potential customer from the stages of awareness or getting to know your business, through the consideration and decision stage of the buyer’s journey. With a CRM, you can make and track phone calls, text messages, social media comments and send highly targeted emails all directly from the CRM.

  8. Invest in a Quality Website

    Unfortunately, many businesses treat their website as an online brochure instead of a lead generating machine. For many potential customers, your website will be there first real interaction with you, your brand and business. You only have a few seconds to grab their attention before they make a decision to leave or investigate further. Clear call to actions must be available on the homepage to better guide the prospect to the information they are seeking. You want to give your visitors an educational, efficient, clean, and great online experience. If you are paying for any kind of advertising your online presence will greatly impact your conversion rates. This means you can turn visitors into paying clients by having a professional, informative, and action-oriented website that educates, guides and builds trust.

  9. Use Multi-Channel Marketing

    Repeating your message across multiple channels, integrated with the different stages of the buyer’s journey, can increase results and conversions. Take the time to figure out where your potential customers spend most of their time and then implement a paid and organic strategy across multiple platforms such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube. You can follow this up with retargeting campaigns on niche specific websites. You can take it one step further by utilizing Big Data and InMarket Targeting across multiple channels. InMarket targeting not only allows you to retarget potential customers that have interacted with your brand but also target customers who are in market and specifically in the decision stage of making a purchase for your services. By using InMarket targeting you can increase conversion and lower wasted ad spend.

  10. Hire a professional to enhance your digital marketing.

    Hire expert digital marketers who specialize in supporting your kind of businesses. Some marketers offer social management, social campaign creation, and can help manage your social marketing campaigns. Also, they provide search engine optimization, digital listings management, display advertising, and more. Hiring an expert will help boost your spa’s online presence.

Final thoughts
It’s over to You! Incorporating these digital spa marketing tips will help market your business and get your medical spa the attention it needs to attract more clients and satisfy the existing ones.

Inbound Magic- Naturopathic Marketing

Naturopathic Marketing: 9 Tips to Grow Your Practice

With an increasing awareness of the human body’s natural ability to heal itself; Naturopathy is indeed proving itself to be the future of medicine. Naturopaths naturally are champions of healthy lifestyles and overall mind, body and spiritual wellness. The public at whole has yet to fully understand the importance of healthy living and the natural healing processes of the body. Due to this lack of public education many Naturopaths are still struggling to develop an abundant and thriving practice. After spending countless hours and thousands of dollars on an education mosts Naturopaths are ill-equipped to develop and run a thriving practice. Naturopathic Marketing is a key skill every Naturopath must learn and understand in order to build an abundant and thriving practice.

Just as there is a natural and organic process to healing the body there is equally a natural and organic process to growing a successful business and practice. By taking the proper steps a Naturopath can easily take a struggling practice into a sustainable and thriving full practice.

Here are 9 quick Tips to ensure you are on the path to Success:

Naturopathic Marketing

  1. Vision and Clarity

    Be sure to have a clear vision and mission for your practice. Many naturopathic doctors forget to take the very first step in developing or branding their practice by not gaining enough clarity on the type of practice they wish to run. How large do you want your practice to be? How much revenue do you wish to earn? What ailments do you wish to specialize in? And most importantly who is your ideal target client? Without this clarity of vision it is impossible to develop any intelligible plan to grow one’s practice.

  2. Develop a Professional Website

    Your website is the hub of your business. It should be designed and developed in a way that constantly educates and attracts new clientele. If you are marketing your practice properly you should be utilizing a combination of offline and online strategies. These strategies should all be leading back to your website. Creating a professional website is not merely just about designing an ascetically beautiful looking website but also the inclusion and placement of proper marketing components and search engine optimization (SEO) that will in its effect create an automated lead generating machine for your practice.

  3. Utilize Automated Booking and Patient Management Software

    In order to grow your practice be sure to utilize patient management and booking software to better organize and streamline your naturopathic practice. Software such as OptiMantra  and MindBody make it incredibly easy for naturopathic doctors to manage bookings in the cloud and efficiently track and market to its clientele.

  4. Educate Your Potential Clientele

    As a forward thinking naturopathic doctor, it’s important to take on the responsibility to educate the public on the practice and principles of Naturopathy. This will not only help create more awareness on benefits of naturopathic medicine but will also serve to be a great marketing tool for your practice. Naturopathic Marketing should include a solid inbound marketing strategy that takes advantage of content marketing or education based marketing. This can include a weekly blog, hosted event, guest blogging or an educational video course that will quickly help you establish yourself as an authority or micro-celebrity within the field of naturopathic medicine.

  5. Testimonials and Reviews

    Testimonials can and should be one of your most valuable naturopathic marketing tools. You can utilize automated marketing emails to follow up with your clients after a visit to provide a quick testimonial that you can easily share online. In addition to the testimonial it’s equally important to track and pay attention to your online reviews and reputation on review sites such as yelp and google. Just as  positive review can bring in more clientele a negative one can just as quickly turn one away. Monitoring this and implementing a solution that can deal with any unsatisfied clients should be a part of your strategy.

  6. Social Media

    Statistics show that the average person has more than 4 social media accounts and spends almost 2 hours a day browsing them. Thus you can understand why when developing your naturopathic marketing strategy, social media should play a large part in how you reach and communicate with your audience. Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin feeds are just some of the tools utilized in naturopathic marketing for educating and staying in touch with clientele. You can tweet tips, share blog posts and engage with your clientele.

  7. Live Video & Events

    As a natural extension of your social media marketing efforts you can utilize platforms like Facebook and youtube to create and stream live events. This is a very popular way to educate your audience on different wellness subjects. It could be a Q&A event or simply How to prevent or heal a particular chronic disease naturally. Creativity is your only limitation when it comes to exploring this valuable marketing tool.

  8. Search Engine Marketing

    In addition to search engine optimization a good naturopathic marketing strategy should include paid search engine advertising. One’s best efforts should be used to rank organically for their keywords that align most with their practice but it’s impossible to rank high on everything. This is where paid advertising or pay per click advertising comes in to play. PPC campaigns can be highly profitable, increasing ROI so that you can experience exponential growth.

  9. Remarketing

    As part of your vision and clarity exercise, you should also become familiar with what is called the buyer’s journey. All potential clients are usually in one stage of the buyer’s journey, the awareness stage, the consideration stage and the decision stage. Remarketing, is an advertising practice that follows a person after visiting your website. When browsing the internet after viewing your website you can show the person additional advertisements along the various stages of the buyer’s journey.

These 9 tips are just some of the things a naturopathic doctor should consider when starting up a practice or implementing naturopathic marketing strategy. Whether you would like to run a small boutique practice or a much larger wellness center your path to success lies in creating an intelligent roadmap and framework of taking your practice from A to B.



Naturopathic Website Cheat Sheet

Naturopathic Website Cheat Sheet